WTF People

Everyone out there, please do not just like my posts. Please actually fucking read them. I get like 7 likes on a post and for some reason I only get like 2 fucking views from the SAME person!!! So please start reading my posts ;-; I start to wonder how many of my followers are ghosties. On every social networking page, I HAVE SO MANY GHOSTIES! On instagram I have like 250  ghosties and on WordPress I have like 120. If yah don’t like my posts just unfollow me ~{*-*}~

Stats D:

Right now I’m in science this morning and finished my work way early so I decided to check my stats. And right now, I’m very sad ;-; This month my blog’s popularity has gone down a lot more than it was when it started.

I don’t ask people I know to look at my blog, in fact I don’t talk to many people about my blog but looking at these views makes me sad 😦

20 Facts About Me

Since I reached 101 followers, I think it’s time you guys know me better 😀 So I’m going to share some stuff about me and if you have any questions, feel free to ask 😀

1. I’m Asian ✌️
2. My favorite colors are black, dark red,, light blue, and gray 🎨
3. I adore the violin 🎻
4. I’m very stubborn
5. I’m super lazy
6. I have a HUGE fear of any bugs and insects 😭
7. I also HATE killing bugs and insects since it just looks so… disgusting… 😅
8. I have to always prove my point. If you get in a debate with me, be ready to support your claim with a bunch of evidence because I ain’t accepting shit. 🙌
9. I HATE uneven stuff. It seriously annoys me. And I’m also bad at symmetry so isn’t that great ._. 😶
10. I understand Tagalog and Spanish, a little Korean, and barely any Japanese
11. I barely understand myself so don’t even try to understand me :3 😪
12. I’m into horror movies and violent scenes where everyone dies. Corpse Party is my favorite anime for this reason. Many violent deaths ._. and so many innocent people. 😂
13. I’m a hypocrite. 😛 Yeah I admit it. 😐
14. I do make origami… (Idk I’m running out of ideas)📄
15. I am a HUGE fan of Greek Mythology because of PERCY Jackson books
16. If I lived in the demigod world I would want to be a hunter of Artemis :3
17. If you meet me online on a game or something, I’m very rude. Mostly because I have had bad experiences when I talk to someone. MANY bad experiences 📓
18. My gaming name will ALWAYS be Meiko or Ayumi because it sounds so kawaii ^_^ 😊
19. I’m a huge gamer 🎮
20. I’m short ;-; Like 5 ft. 😓

Well that’s all I could come up with at the moment so… Bai! ^_^

Stats! Views!

Well I reached 1,500 views! Took me long enough XD

I understand though, I mean I don’t post as much as I used to and that’s probably why my views has gone down! I mean look I barely get any views a day 😛 I am going to make a post after this and please get me to my goal of 100 followers! Currently at 96! XD

Late Christmas Post

Sorry I didn’t post the past few days! I have been really busy!!! Christmas Eve was so much fun because I got to spend it with two of my best friends and my family! I was also on the phone talking to someone for an hour but hey I was bored. I did get a good amount of presents for Christmas. Well I know that Christmas is all about giving but I’m so thankful for my gifts :3 I got $160 in cash, a dark shirt I really love since it’s not bright and colorful, an art set filled with paints and pencils and stuff :3, World Record Book of 2015, and of course I get a late present which is a 2DS and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire! Well hey, it was a bargain of $50! I do have a 3DS but that is my brother’s now. Still good with this! And I also got another late $10 but hey, I’m so happy! Well, new year is close by and I will be posting my New Year’s Resolution in a couple of days! Also, can we please reach my goal of 100 followers and 1,500 views? Someone unfollowed me, probably since I haven’t been posting, but still please help!!! Thank you guys for the support and I will try my best to post a lot during the break! Well, bye!

P.s. Is it normal to talk to someone on the phone for more than 2 hours a day? Lol, I think I should do a Pokemon Alpha Sapphire daily update, watcha think? Got the idea from Bluehobbes 😛

EOC and Blog Update

End Of Course Exam
Well yeah I have been taking EOC’s for the past week and for some reason I’m not nervous. Judging on how well I understood the questions, I can pretty much get an idea of how well I did. I just took the math EOC which was so freakin easy! After TSP, I am taking the EOC for English! My last EOC! I hope I pass all of my EOC’s because so far I have! I don’t know what I got for U.S. History though… But anyways…

Blog Update
I have 1,385 views and counting! Also, 91 followers! Hopefully I can get to 100 followers and 1,500 views by Christmas! If so, I will do a special… But please help my blog reach these goals! Keep reading my posts and if you could recommend my blog I would be so happy 🙂 Thanks for the love and support from you all!