WTF People

Everyone out there, please do not just like my posts. Please actually fucking read them. I get like 7 likes on a post and for some reason I only get like 2 fucking views from the SAME person!!! So please start reading my posts ;-; I start to wonder how many of my followers are ghosties. On every social networking page, I HAVE SO MANY GHOSTIES! On instagram I have like 250  ghosties and on WordPress I have like 120. If yah don’t like my posts just unfollow me ~{*-*}~


OMG! 1,000 views in two months(exactly)! It’s been about exactly since I started this blog and I’m so happy that I finally reached this goal 😂 I hope the next achievement will be 100 followers, currently at 73! Please help me out and thank you guys so much for reading my blog 🙂

P.s. I’m pissed I didn’t get a picture of 1,000 views ;(